lucky crackers

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

boogie boogie with a new BLOG!

Hear ye, hear ye!

First of all, I'd like to extend a big THANK YOU to all my loyal readers who have spammed my tagboard for updates ... uh-huh, you and you and you! XD

My new blog is up and running as of 2nd December, 2006! It's got new features I've never had in old blogs -- such as a GORGEOUS blogskin by's slayerette, and ... well, actually, that may be it. Hoohoohehehe!

However, I'm keeping this blog because it's the one I've kept for the longest time (this is post #108!) compared to all my other blogs!

Anyway, so if you still want to read up on shasha's extremely predictable misadventures, go on ahead to Jus naturale is latin for "natural law", and the title of the blog is "Res Ipsa Loquitur" -- a latin legal term for "the thing speaks for itself". All part and parcel of my transition into becoming a law student (hopefully!) next year! :]

Ooh ooh and remember to right-click your mouse anywhere on the screen for the wow-factor pop-up! Okay, okay, I know a million other people are going to absolutely yawn at it, but it got my attention! :D

Happy surfing! :] And tag my blog if you do visit -- and don't forget to vote on the polls!

Friday, July 21, 2006

and so, it begins

Hey -- you know those dratted chain mails all hotmail users get from their friends, about how MSN is going to charge its users an annual fee, by November 1st? And we get so scared and worried, some of us actually follow the instructions and forward the e-mail to 18 people on our contact list?

And seriously? Without even stopping for a moment to consider... firstly, why stop at eighteen? Why not the whole contact list? And if this is so important, why didn't the MSN folks e-mail us themselves? Because every single person who has hit that "send" button to that chain mail, fell for the hotmail prank that has been circulating... for more information, simply check out this link: . Sigh. I hate chain mails! I hope everyone will stop falling for them in the near future.

Okay, with all the boring official stuff over and done with... guess who came out in the newspaper today! Hahaha, my future F1-racer friend, Colin Ho! :D

Hmm... on other news, this week ended horribly. Horribly! In the middle of the week, we were dumped with yet another Economics project (I think my life is beginning to consist solely of college assignments, really!) -- this time based on two videos: the first on trading blocs, and the second on multinational corporations. I can smell death from here.

Buford & I have been transcripting the videos since the viewing, which is, let me tell you, very, very, very tiring. To press play, listen very carefully, pause and then type out what you've just heard, at the same time trying to understand various thick ang moh accents & trying to deal with some of the very soft spoken, fast-speaking voices. I don't know if transcripting the videos is worth our time or not, but either way, I don't want to regret it.

Anyway, I'm so tired. Economics is so mentally draining that after this year, I never, ever want to take it as a subject to study again. There are few who dream to be economists in my class, and those who dare to are really, really cut out for it (namely Chiew Nee & Buford). I know I'm not right for it, when I compare my understanding of economics with theirs. I don't really understand understand, I merely work hard to answer exam questions as correctly as I can. I am the product of a poor education system. :P

But you want to know another reason why I say I've discovered I'm not cut out for Economics? I realized it in ESL class today. We've been doing some literature, and I've been so excited and awake and ... happy during the past few english lessons. It's like I'm just exploding with ideas to explain every word, every action, every description -- I've always adored literature. Always. And that's when I realized -- how come I don't have this sort of passion for economics? Because I haven't got the natural knack for it, that's why. So simple.

Next week is going to be one to really test a student's survival skills. On Monday, we've got BM presentation & Math Mini Project begins (and it's only during Math periods). On Tuesday, Mini Project continues, ending only on Thursday. On Wednesday, hand up Economics presentation report & ESL essay outlining starts on the same day. ESL essay outlining continues until Friday.

The following week, if truth be told, is even more nerve-wracking. Monday: Accounts Common Test, Tuesday: Math Common Test. And we've got Malay essay-writing work somewhere then too... done during 2 class hours. *shivers*

I'm scared.

Monday, July 17, 2006

"Eh? That boy ar? I was in the same class as him in college you know!"


I have famous classmates!


Just kidding! But I do actually have classmates who are on their way to becoming famous! Allow me to present my case on the aforementioned claim.

Exhibit A: Ng Seng Ming

Samsung ambassador & model! Will be doing a SAMSUNG roadshow at SS2 Murni this Friday night at about 9.30pm! Heehee! Go see him!

Exhibit B: Colin Ho

(Photo not available due to paparazzi-control attempts)

F4 racer!
Myth: Rumours are that he flew to France to compete in the Grand Prix too!
Fact: Even if the above myth is false, he still has got contracts signed with Petronas!

Exhibit C: Hong Chiew Nee

(Photo not available ... yet)

Was in a Nike advert in 2002! NIKE! Wa wa wa! She got to keep the vest, too. :]

Saturday, July 15, 2006

So Freakin' Funny!

Oh my goodness, the only other blog funnier than Jilly's latest post is Kenny Sia's!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the oldest of girlfriends

Did you ever wonder, hey, what happened to your old friends from primary school? Well, I took about a quarter of an hour tonight to try and compile a handful of recent snapshots of the girls from SK DJ (1) ... although I haven't been able to include a lot more, like Kathryn, Nadia, Esther (I've met her best friend, Rameera, from PD), Yen Woon, Yvonne, and many many more. Maybe someday, after the SAM final exams, I'll make a collage of everyone's current pictures. Including the boys, too. Haha.

Anyway, pictures of people that I have managed to find ...

From the left row straight down: Yip Mae Yen, Stephanie Yong, Zaty, Wai Kwan.
2nd row from left: Natalia Ng, Vanessa Tan.
Next row: Yap Ee-Lynn, Lydia Kwan.
Next row: Chua Pei Lee, Tan Li Sher, Michelle Koh.
Right row straight down: Me, Kong Tse Mun, Debbie Tan.

:] Cheerios, everyone!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From Lin's Blog ;P


1. My uncle once:

2. Never in my life have I:

3. The one person who can drive me nuts:
Myself. When I say or do things I don't mean, or when I don't do my work when I'm supposed to (like now!).

4. High School is/was:
the rollercoaster blur that made me who I am today.

5. When I'm nervous:
I feel like my lungs are going to explode. Before every single common test, man! sniffs.

6. The last time I cried was:
When Rameera said she's leaving SAM for ICPU.

7. If I were to get married RIGHT NOW my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be:
Wa! To think so far ahead ... Tse Munnie, De, Carmeny & Vanessa!

8. My hair:
Is eerily straight. :S

9. When I was 5:

10. Last Christmas:
I sat at home and watched old DVDs. Ehehe. Well, at least I think I did. Hmm...

11. When I turn my head left, I see:
The wall.

12. When I turn my head right, I see:
The other side of the wall.

13. When I look down I see:
My feet.

14. The craziest recent event was:
Classmate got drunk in class. Wowee~

15. By this time next year:
I will be thinner (hopefully!).

16. I have a hard time understanding:
Science talk. Tsk tsk.

17. One time at a family gathering:

18. You know I "like" you if:

19. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank is:

20. My ideal breakfast is:
Eggs, sausages & toast. Yum!

21. If you visit my hometown:
You'll realise I was born & raised here.

22. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon:
Korea! Yay!

23. Boys are:

24. I'd stop my wedding if:

25. The world could do without:

26. Most recent thing you've bought yourself :
Notebooks from Popular! Haha!

27. Most recent thing someone else bought you:
Cute widdle soft toy keychain.

28. My favorite time of day is:
Bedtime. XD

29. My favorite store is:

30. My favorite ringtone is:
Anything that doesn't sound like my current one (imagine your air-conditioning remote control).

31. And by the way:
I'm too sleepy to answer this properly, so I'll just redo it another day!

32. The person who I last talked to told me to:
Think of a name for his business. Pretty hard!

33. Once, at a bar/club:
My legal-age friends refused to buy me alcohol when I wanted to see what getting pissed was like. Bah.

34. Last night:
I stayed up as late as tonight. Ish. Bad habit!

35. There's this girl I:

36. There's this guy I:

The Little Birds

My Classroom is a Stage

My classmates are the actors.

And I am the prop.

Maybe the chair, the table... most probably the sofa. Where everyone's unwashed-jeans-clad arses sink into.

Why do I say "my classroom is a stage"?

Because there's always a little drama going on.
In the corner, in the centre, outside, inside.

Somebody's sick, somebody's drunk, somebody's been lighting up fags during break. Somebody's been sleeping around, somebody's been high, somebody's been something. Somebody's been over the line, somebody's pissed off, somebody's been pissed, somebody's been something.

It becomes a bit of a culture shock sometimes. The protective little bubble I used to live in, with a prim little circle of close friends -- has foreign objects prodding a little harder around the edges.

But you know what? I'm glad I met them all. My classmates. H1 is crazy, did you know that? We are a bunch of off-our-rockers nutters, and they all make me laugh. I am a part of H1, and since H1 is crazy, so am I.

To them, I'm an innocent, geeky goofball who doesn't know nuffink, but I understand. I understand that we're all from frighteningly different families and backgrounds, and by a stroke of fate we are put together in one classroom.

A stage where we can all learn from each other, and help where ever we can.

So... all this drama... it's really not much of make-believe.

The Italian Shame

"So The Drama"

Show Original Post

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Andrew said...
vive la france, even though they lost.

10:10 AM

sha-lene said...

I just found out exactly what Materazzi said to Zidane... "terrorist"... damn what weih those Italians... ISHHHHHHHHH!!!

Smearing the name of football by bringing racism & discrimination into it! And they called his sister a prostitute! Stuff like that! ARGHH!

Poor Zidane! He's still my hero!

6:19 AM


Joshua Chun - what to do when one is mad - Give 'em a ZizOu!!
Joshua Chun. says:
yea. zidaneee!!!
easy peasy lemon squeasy says:
hahahah yeah!!!


Guan Meng's MSN nickname:
[GM].... Justice League : Superman - Yesss... Zidane ... HEBAT SIAL!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Crunch Down To Nerd-Time!

I just went to Cambridge Optical to pick up my coloured contact lenses! YAY! I'll be wearing them to college tomorrow onwards... I actually can't wait for the night to end, the morning to come, and college to begin! Especially since there's no homework for me today... finished Math in class, finished Accounts in class, finished Economics exercises over the weekend ... well, I could go to my room and read the BM novel/summary and the ESL short stories... but .. bahh ... hahahah!

More fun to waste my time blogging, right? :]

We got back our ESL tutorial marks today... I'm pretty happy, I finally got highest in class (tied with Chiew Nee, but still highest la, haha) ... 18/20 ... it's not highest in SAM (highest is 19/20 - a girl named Tina from Ting's class).

Goodbye, Hello~

So The Drama

World Cup Drama
which brings us to question ...

Marco Materazzi
Italian defender
World Cup 2006 Hero


Zenedine Zidane

French legend & Best Player of World Cup 2006

Seeing as I'm not that great a football fan (especially since I stopped watching the games after South Korea got booted out), I didn't watch the France vs. Italy World Cup Finals last night (or rather, this morning). So when Daddy called in the wee hours of the morning to tell me & my mum that Italy won, I was like, "Hehe cool, must celebrate with pizza later" ... etc etc stuff like that.

Then, when I got to college this morning, everyone was cheering for Italy. But then I said, "Pity France didn't win, though, Zidane is really good..." and I got bombarded with "Zidane was brutal" & "Zidane head-butted the Italian player!"... and despite how much I fancied good ol' Zizou during the 2002 World Cup games, after being fed with anti-Zidane propaganda from 8am to 3pm, I went home feeling like Zidane was really out of line, and therefore deserved to be sent off.

But then - my mum told me some insightful news when I got home. The Italian defender, Marco Materazzi, whom Zidane had head-butted & given a red card for, had his arms around Zidane to hold him back. What a bugger! And even then, my man Zidane had the integrity to walk away ... then Materazzi followed behind him, saying stuff & next thing you know, Zidane had rammed his shiny head against the Italian player.

Some people say that's why it's a game, and the last one standing is the one who wins. Others say that Zidane did the right thing by head-butting the Italian player & that he should have head-butted him harder. I think that what Materazzi did was a disgrace to the Italian football team! It's supposed to be a game, where the best man wins. And although, maybe a better man could have still walked away without losing his temper, Zidane is pretty famous for a hot temper (not being his first time head-butting people on the field) & Materazzi simply took advantage of that.

Therefore... poor Zidane! This year's World Cup should have belonged to France! ):